Master MPS | MPT | MPM Power Range: 10 – 200 Kva

Master MPS | MPT | MPM Power Range: 10 – 200 Kva

Master MPS | MPT | MPM Power Range: 10 – 200 Kva

Master MPS makes powering UPS devices by power generators and MV/LV transformers easier and more efficient, reducing loss in systems and coils, correcting the power factor and eliminating harmonics by the loads powered by the UPS itself.
In addition to this, the progressive start-up of the rectifier and the possibility of reducing the recharge current of the batteries, allow for the containment of the input current absorbed and therefore do not overload the source, especially when the source is a generator.

Master MPS is suited to all types of applications, from computers to the most demanding industrial environments.
Thanks to the broad range of accessories and options, complex architectures and configurations can be created to ensure maximum power to critical loads:
expansions (in redundancy or power) may be made in already-operating parallel systems, even without having to switch off any UPS that are already operating and thus, maintaining power to utilities.


• Efficiency Control System (ECS)
• Robust and reliable
• Galvanic isolation
• High overload capacity
• Extensive parallel configurations

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